LAB: Operators and expressions


Estimated time

15-20 minutes

Level of difficulty



  • improving the ability to use numbers, operators, and arithmetic operations in Python;
  • using the print() function's formatting capabilities;
  • learning to express everyday-life phenomena in terms of programming language.


Your task is to prepare a simple code able to evaluate the end time of a period of time, given as a number of minutes (it could be arbitrarily large). The start time is given as a pair of hours (0..23) and minutes (0..59). The result has to be printed to the console.
For example, if an event starts at 12:17 and lasts 59 minutes, it will end at 13:16.
Don't worry about any imperfections in your code - it's okay if it accepts an invalid time - the most important thing is that the code produce valid results for valid input data.
Test your code carefully. Hint: using the % operator may be the key to success.

Test Data

Sample input:12 17 59
Expected output: 13:16

Sample input:23 58 642
Expected output: 10:40

Sample input:0 1 2939
Expected output: 1:0

hour = int(input("Starting time (hours): "))
mins = int(input("Starting time (minutes): "))
dura = int(input("Event duration (minutes): "))
# put your code here
  • Console 


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